Lansdowne Redevelopment
A vibrant mixed-use urban redevelopment
As a participating member of the multi-disciplinary design team preparing the Lansdowne Master Plan (LMP), Fotenn was instrumental in leading the municipal planning approvals process as well as representing the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) as expert planning witnesses in the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings.
For this particular project, the LMP required extensive approvals from various agencies including the City of Ottawa, the National Capital Commission, Parks Canada, the Federal Government and the Ontario Heritage Trust. Other key components of the plan involved the renovation of the existing stadium and Civic Centre; the redevelopment of the exhibition grounds into a new mixed-use urban village; and the creation of a dynamic urban park along the Rideau Canal.
In order to provide some background information on the LMP, it establishes an overall framework for the revitalization of Lansdowne Park. The site is significant because of its size and location as well as its history as home to the Eastern Ontario Exhibition.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG)
Size 16 hectares
Date 2009 - 2011
Key Team Members Miguel Tremblay Ted Fobert
Project Tasks Development ApprovalsOMB Expert WitnessProject ManagementCommunity Consultation

The redevelopment of Lansdowne Park has transformed it into one of Ottawa's premier destinations. A mix of shops, restaurants, sport facilities, parks, and residences ensures it is lively at all times of the day.