Gibbard District
A mixed-use, adaptive re-use of the former Gibbard’s Furniture factory in the heart of Greater Napanee.
Fotenn was engaged by ABNA Investments Ltd. to provide planning services in support of applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Site Plan Control for the former Gibbard Furniture Factory, located at 88 Dundas Street East in the Town of Greater Nappanee. This project focuses on the adaptive reuse of the former Gibbard Furniture Factory site, placing an emphasis on the preservation of the heritage of the site while also allowing for the introduction of a fresh and contemporary design incorporating a renewable energy resource with world-class design.
Given its location in downtown Napanee, the large former factory site presented an opportunity to introduce an innovative design which incorporates mixed commercial and residential uses, improved waterfront access, and high quality public and private open spaces. Fotenn is leading the municipal planning approvals process, coordinating the multi-disciplinary development team, having prepared the required planning rationale and urban design study, and conducted statutory community consultation. To-date, the applications for official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment have been approved.
Fotenn is also providing full Landscape Architecture services for the project.
Location Napanee, Ontario
Client ABNA Investments
Size 1.7 hectares
Date 2019 - Present
Key Team Members Mike Keene
Project Tasks Planning RationaleUrban Design AnalysisDevelopment ApprovalsProject ManagementPublic ConsultationLandscape Architecture

Designed for both Gibbard residents and neighbours, the piazza will transform Napanee’s historic furniture factory into a vibrant hub for community activities.