Delicately dealing with a unique site
Fotenn assisted Lamb Development Corp. in obtaining Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan Control Approval for their Gotham residential condominium building in downtown Ottawa. Fotenn collaborated with sub-consultants to prepare and submit a package of technical plans and studies in support of the applications.
The unique shape of the site required a specialized approach to approvals. A narrow glass element containing the main entrance connects to Lyon Street while a row of townhouses line Gloucester street at grade to help activate the street frontage. The site at the corner of Lyon and Gloucester was not included in the development, increasing the complexity of the development approval process.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client Lamb Development Corp.
Size 17 storeys
Date 2010 - 2011
Key Team Members Ted Fobert
Project Tasks Community EngagementDevelopment ApprovalsProject ManagementUrban Design Analysis