Phase 55 – NUVO Apartments
Multi-family community in the heart of the Le Plateau region of Ville de Gatineau.
Fotenn prepared a detailed Master Plan on behalf of Junic Construction for the lands known as Phase 55 in Gatineau, Quebec. The Master Plan was essential for ZBLA and PIIA development applications which were submitted in French.
Located in the heart of the “Le Plateau” community of the City of Gatineau, the Phase 55 development features the NUVO Apartments, 3.5-storey rental apartment buildings. The development is family oriented, providing over 600 rental units with a mix of 1 to 3 bedroom apartments in proximity to schools, neighborhood parks, NCC trails and Gatineau Park. The Le Plateau neighbourhood will incorporate future facilities such as the Parc Central, Agora and its urban village, the municipal library, and all local services close by. Fronting onto Boulevard du Plateau, the lands are in close proximity to a proposed future rapid transit route, as well as both Gatineau and Ottawa.
The Master Plan places buildings on street frontages to animate the public realm while surface parking is located in internal courtyards away from public views. When possible, buildings were placed to prioritize views to natural features such as the creek, retention pond and trails.
Location Gatineau, Quebec
Client Junic Construction
Size 20 hectares
Date 2018 - 2020
Key Team Members Miguel Tremblay Rejane Padaratz Jacob Bolduc
Project Tasks Concept Master PlanSite Plan DrawingsZoning AnalysisMinor VariancePIIA Coordination and Approvals

The residential density of Phase 55 will contribute to the animation of the area and nearby amenities.