River Road Secondary Plan
Protecting the built heritage, the scenic quality and character of the area, and the surrounding natural and environmental features.
Fotenn was the Project Lead, Planners and Urban Designers for the River Road Secondary Plan, Zoning and Servicing Study which developed a Secondary Plan and Servicing Strategy to facilitate development of the study area, update the City’s Official Plan, zoning, land use mapping and policies, and zoning regulations to guide future development.
Building on a Vision and a series of Guiding Principles, the Secondary Plan integrated the subject lands with the existing surrounding uses while protecting the built heritage, the scenic quality and character of the area, and the surrounding natural and environmental features. A series of concept plans were initially developed and refined through public consultation. A preferred development plan was prepared based on staff and public feedback and further supplemented by structure plans such as neighbourhood structure, land use, roads and open spaces.
Location Cambridge, Ontario
Client City of Cambridge
Date 2019-2021
Key Team Members Evan Truong Leticia Chapa
Project Tasks Secondary PlanPolicy AnalysisCommunity EngagementProject Management