Westgate Mixed-Use Community Master Plan
Suburban shopping centre redevelopment and intensification
The redevelopment plan for the Westgate Mixed Use Community focuses on realizing the highest and best-use opportunities for the existing shopping centre and office. The redevelopment of the Westgate Shopping Centre will not only add material value to the property, but will contribute positively to the public realm of the City of Ottawa, supporting the redefinition of the City as set forth in the rapid transit extension and intensification goals set out in the Transportation Master Plan and Official Plan.
After over 60 years of operation, the shopping centre has become part of Ottawa’s expanding urban core and is subject to surrounding intensification and revitalization. The Master Plan seeks to convert this community pillar into a new mixed-use community that re-establishes Westgate as the thriving heart of Ottawa’s West End community so it becomes another first in Ottawa, setting a precedent for sustainable, mixed use development within the City.
Fotenn has submitted an official plan and zoning by-law amendment for the redevelopment of the overall site with a focus on Phase 1 and Phase 2 along the Arterial Roadway. The Official Plan Amendment proposes the adoption of a Secondary Plan which will enable site specific policies that recognize the suitability of these properties for greater building height and density. The phased development approach will allow for the continued use of existing shopping centre on the site while the development is implemented over time.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client RioCan
Size 4.78 hectares
Date 2015 - Ongoing
Key Team Members Miguel Tremblay Matthew McElligott
Project Tasks Project ManagementMaster PlanningDevelopment ApprovalsUrban Design GuidelinesGraphic DesignLandscape ArchitecturePublic ConsultationUDRP Presentation