1354 + 1376 Carling Avenue
Continuing the Evolution of the Carling Avenue Westgate Node
Fotenn is presently working with Holloway Lodging to prepare a redevelopment plan for the Travelodge Hotel located at 1354 and 1376 Carling Avenue in Ottawa. Continuing the evolution of the Carling Avenue Westgate node, the proposed mixed-use development would see the existing hotel property redeveloped over time.
Working with Holloway and GeigerHuot Architects, Fotenn has prepared a redevelopment plan for the site, in addition to providing landscape architecture and planning services. Fotenn prepared a Planning Rationale and landscape plans for the project, and coordinated the submission of development applications (including Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control applications) to the City of Ottawa. Fotenn is currently engaging with the community, and managing the applications through the City of Ottawa’s development review process.
Fotenn worked to ensure a careful and thoughtful transition from Carling Avenue into the adjacent residential community. The proposed mixed-use redevelopment of the property would occur in phases, ultimately including four (4) buildings ranging in height from 6 to 20 storeys and containing approximately 900 residential units, all focused around a central park space.
Note – All visualizations prepared by GeigerHuot Architects.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client Holloway Lodging
Size 6 to 20 storey buildings
Date 2017 - Ongoing
Key Team Members Rejane Padaratz Paul Black
Project Tasks Community EngagementDevelopment ApprovalsLandscape ArchitectureMaster PlanningProject ManagementUrban Design Review Panel Submission