1451 Wellington Street West
On behalf of the Mizrahi Development Group, Fotenn assessed the proposal of a new mixed-use, 12-storey condominium in Ottawa’s Wellington West Village while also leading the municipal planning approvals process for the development, leading Mizrahi’s extensive public consultation process, and providing expert witness testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board.
Identified as a gateway location within the Community Design Plan and Secondary Plan, Mizrahi’s vision involved the construction of a landmark building on the site that would benefit the neighbourhood, acknowledge the community’s needs and also revitalize the adjacent green space.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client Mizrahi Developments
Size 12 storey building
Date 2013 - Ongoing
Key Team Members Ted Fobert Paul Black
Project Tasks Project ManagementDevelopment ApprovalsUrban Design Review Panel SubmissionCommunity EngagementOMB WitnessLandscape ArchitectureParks PlanningDetailed Design and Construction Administration