Algonquin College Campus Development Plan and Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence (ACCE)
Integrating design and sustainability
Fotenn played a key role in a multidisciplinary team responsible for creating a Campus Development Plan for the Woodroffe Campus of Algonquin College in Ottawa. Algonquin is the largest community college in Eastern Ontario with over 16,000 students in 130 programs.
The Master Planning process featured an integrated design and sustainability approach, including analysis of existing conditions, preparation of a vision and guiding principles, creation of Development Plan options, finalization of the plan, and ongoing monitoring and review. Concurrently, Fotenn secured municipal planning approvals for the Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence, a LEED Platinum Certified building located at a prominent transit hub.
Fotenn’s role included project coordination, regular public and stakeholder consultation activities, preparation of a Planning Rationale, presentation to the City of Ottawa Committee of Adjustment, and providing advice and direction to the College related to the associated Site Plan Agreement.
Key Team Members Brian Casagrande