Avalon West
Using bioswales to achieve a low impact development.
Avalon West is a multi-unit community, comprised of 150 dwellings, located in east-Ottawa. The approach to managing stormwater at this site is unique. Before entering the municipal storm sewer, all stormwater draining from parking lots and other impermeable surfaces is directed towards a series of vegetated swales. This helps to prevent downstream erosion, filters sediment and pollutants and promotes evapotranspiration and infiltration functions.
Fotenn was integrally involved in the site development of Avalon West, providing concept and detailed design, tendering, contract administration, and construction review services.
Location Ottawa, Ontario
Client Minto Communities
Date 2014 - 2015
Key Team Members Doug Fountain Sarah Marsh Stuart Paterson
Project Tasks Conceptual DesignDetailed Design and Construction AdministrationLandscape ArchitectureConstruction ReviewProject Management