Tannery District Master Plan
A long-term vision that is structured around the fundamental pillars of sustainability and resiliency.
Fotenn is currently preparing a Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan and supporting Secondary Plan for the 12-hectare Tannery District, a former brownfield site adjacent to downtown Cobourg.
The Master Plan will create a long-term vision for Tannery District that recognizes the principles of One Planet Living to achieve four fundamental pillars of sustainability and urban resiliency – society, environment, economy and culture. The Plan will integrate innovative best practices in all elements of the public and private realm, including transit supportive densities, solar orientation, green infrastructure, low impact development, energy efficiency, water usage, waste reduction, building materials, and the promotion and support for alternative modes of transportation.
To ensure the successful implementation of the Plan, detailed recommendations and strategies will be outlined, such as policy amendments, partnerships, and funding opportunities. Context-specific metrics will also been recommended to monitor and evaluate the success of the plan over the short, medium and long-term.
Location Cobourg, Ontario
Client Cobourg, Ontario
Size 12 hectares
Date 2017 - Ongoing
Key Team Members Matt Reid Paul Black Rejane Padaratz Jaime Posen
Project Tasks Project ManagementMaster PlanningSecondary PlanUrban Design GuidelinesSustainability FrameworkPublic ConsultationAccessibility (AODA)Graphic Design
Awards 2020 - International Making Cities Liveable (IMCL) Design Award Finalist 2019 - Brownie Awards Finalist

Design guidelines help to define each character area within the Tannery District ensuring unique and engaging neighbourhoods.