Town of Hawkesbury
Municipal Planning Services
Fotenn was retained to act as the interim municipal Planner for the Town of Hawkesbury during an extended leave of absence. Fotenn was responsible for all regular duties of the Planner, including administrative duties, responding to resident inquiries, receiving and processing planning applications, and providing professional opinions and analysis to municipal Council.
By utilizing a team-based approach, Fotenn was able to provide in-house, front-level service in Hawkesbury through an appointed representative, while utilizing the expertise of senior level employees to manage files. Fotenn was able to quickly adapt to the local policy and regulatory context for the review of development applications and resident inquiries. Further, Fotenn was able to identify policy and regulatory opportunities and approaches that will enhance the current planning environment in the Town of Hawkesbury.
The Town of Hawkesbury, Ontario is located approximately mid-way between Ottawa and Montreal along the Ottawa River, in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. The Town of Hawkesbury boasts a thriving industrial sector and is home to the interprovincial Long-Sault Bridge, which crosses the Ottawa River into Grenville, Quebec.
Location Hawkesbury, Ontario
Client Town of Hawkesbury
Size Town-wide
Date 2015 - 2016
Key Team Members Miguel Tremblay Jacob Bolduc
Project Tasks Reviewing Development ApplicationsOrganize and Attend meetingsImplementing Official Plan and Zoning By-Law