A world-class, sustainable, mixed-use neighbourhood in the heart of the Nation’s Capital.
On behalf of Windmill Development, Fotenn was an integral part of a multi-disciplinary team that developed “The Isles: Domtar Lands Redevelopment Master Plan” in 2014-2015. The Master Plan established the vision for the redevelopment of 15 hectares of former industrial land at the heart of the National Capital Region into a sustainable, mixed-use neighbourhood. The Master Plan was framed around the principles of the One Planet Living framework and is the only One Planet Living endorsed community within Canada.
The Master Plan established a vision for the redevelopment of the lands as a sustainable, mixed-use community. Development principles informed a mix of residential, office, commercial, and institutional uses connected by an integrated network of shared ‘woonerf’ streets, prioritizing cyclists and pedestrians throughout, and transforming the Booth/Eddy corridor into a complete street to improve connectivity with the downtowns of both cities.
Working with Zibi, the City of Ottawa, and the Algonquins of Ontario, Fotenn led the preparation of a Heritage Interpretive Plan (HIP) for the Zibi lands. Fotenn’s work involved the development of a comprehensive plan which not only captured the spirit and intent of the agreed-upon terms, but also recognized the importance of the First Nations history. The HIP was prepared as a means to explain the heritage of the site to a new generation of Canadians who will visit, live, work, and study at the site. The Plan sets the framework for communicating the meanings and relationships of the cultural and natural world, past and present, through objects, artifacts, landscapes, sites, and exhibits within the public realm components of the redevelopment.
Working now with Dream Unlimited Corporation and Theia Partners, Fotenn continues to lead the municipal planning approvals for the phased redevelopment in Ottawa and Gatineau. The first phases are now under construction and the first residents and business are now starting to move into the new community.
Note – All visualizations prepared by Norm Li.
Location Ottawa, Ontario + Gatineau, Quebec
Client Dream + Theia Partners (formerly Windmill Development Group)
Size 15 hectares
Date 2014 - Ongoing
Key Team Members Miguel Tremblay Paul Black Kenneth Blouin Rejane Padaratz
Project Tasks Master PlanningDevelopment ApprovalsProject ManagementGraphic Design
Awards 2017 - Ontario Professional Planning Institute and Heart and Stroke Foundation's Healthy Communities Award 2017 - Ontario Professional Planners Institute Excellence in Planning Award - Urban/Community Design Category 2016 - Grand Prize Award for Excellence in Planning, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) 2016 - Award for Planning Excellence, Canadian Institute of Planners

Fotenn is proud to have created Ottawa’s first ever Heritage Interpretive Plan for Zibi. The plan recognizes the site’s unique stories and character through landscaping, art and architecture.